

This Digital Rights Check does not provide legal or other advice, nor is it intended to provide or replace own legal advice or further assessments. Its sole objective is to point out certain problems, challenges and human rights risks which, in our experience, may frequently arise in the contexts concerned and ask for appropriate measures in line with the human-rights-based approach. The Digital Rights Check can only offer assistance to the user in relation to this objective. The user must take the appropriate measures based on his/her own assessment and is solely responsible for their use and implementation.

In any case, users should seek own (legal) advice where they consider it necessary and should not rely solely on the information from the Digital Rights Check or use the knowledge gained from it as the sole basis for decision-making. Any use of the Digital Rights Check is voluntary and solely at own risk. KfW, GIZ and DIHR accept no liability whatsoever for the Digital Rights Check, for any provided information / findings or for correctness and completeness of any external websites referred to in the Digital Rights Check.

In accordance with the general and non-comprehensive nature of the Digital Rights Check, any findings from the use of the Digital Rights Check must always be adapted to the specific needs and the specific design of the project in the respective context.

KfW, GIZ and DIHR cannot be held liable in connection with the use of the Digital Rights Check or for the findings, information contained therein or references to external sources. In particular, the use of the Digital Rights Check tool does not guarantee the success of the respective project or the fulfilment of contractual obligations.